Jornalismo de dados no Festival Internacional de Jornalismo em Perugia (Itália)
Entre os dias 25 e 29 de abril aconteceu o Festival Internacional de Jornalismo na cidade de Perugia, na Itália.
Na programação, a “Escola de Jornalismo de Dados” (The School of Data Journalism) estava presente e foi responsável por três painéis e cinco workshops.Todos eles, é claro, sobre jornalismo de dados.
E olha que bacana: o evento criou uma Web TV para o festival e boa parte das palestras/painéis/workshops foi filmada e está agora disponível online. Vale a pena dar uma fuçada!
Assim, coloco aqui os links para os painéis do “The School of Data Journalism”, assim como um pequeno resumo das palestras (todas em inglês).
O último painel foi sobre o lançamento do livro “Data Journalism Handbook” – provavelmente voltaremos a falar dele mais tarde.
Panel 1: News and numbers: from CAR to data journalism
Journalists have always used data and numbers to produce stories…and win Pulitzers. From Philip Meyer’s coverage of the Detroit riots in 1967 to Steve Doig’s ‘What Went Wrong’ analysis of the damage patterns from Hurricane Andrew, data-driven reporting has brought valuable public service and won journalists recognition and prizes.
Whereas there may be distinguishing aspects about the data journalism of today and the computer-assisted reporting of the past, it is crucial to learn from successful examples, techniques and approaches of the past.
How can we bring the data journalism community and the CAR community closer together?
What can aspiring data journalists learn from the successes of the past?
What is the future of data journalism?
Panel 2: How can data journalism save your newsroom?
Journalism is under siege. Traditional models are collapsing. Developing the know-how to use the available data more effectively, to understand it, communicate and generate stories based on it, could be a huge opportunity to breathe new life into journalism.
What is the potential of data journalism?
How do you start a data journalism operation?
How can you start thinking about making money with data journalism?
Panel 3: You Too Can Be A Data Journalist!
Where can I find data? How can I request data? What tools can I use? How can I find stories in data? How can I make money with data journalism?
Several leading data journalists, CAR specialists and journalism professors from the Guardian, the New York Times, Financial Times, Chicago Tribune, Medill School of Journalism and Cronkite School of Journalism worked together to answer these questions in the Data Journalism Handbook.
The handbook, the first comprehensive practical guide to data journalism, will be officially launched in this session. The session will provide the opportunity to meet and greet authors of the book, exchange knowledge and learn from them what you need to know to be a data journalist, as well as get a printed copy of the book.